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Attention-Starved PETA Demands The Removal Of Far Cry 6 Cockfighting Minigame

The pretty extreme animal rights organization PETA are attempting to be in the spotlight yet again. Its target this time? Ubisoft.

The group is calling on Ubisoft to remove the incredibly fictional cockfighting mini-game from Far Cry 6, saying that the in-game activity “glorifies cruelty”. Here is PETA’s actual quote:

“Turning a horrific blood sport like cockfighting into a Mortal Kombat–style video game match is a far cry from real innovation, as today’s society is strongly opposed to forcing animals to fight to the death.

Roosters used in cockfights are fitted with sharp spurs that tear through flesh and bone, causing agonizing and fatal injuries. PETA Latino urges Ubisoft to replace this reprehensible minigame with one that doesn’t glorify cruelty.”

Readers should note that the cockfighting minigame (essentially Tekken with roosters) and the sidequests involving cocks in Far Cry 6 are portrayed in the most outrageous and non-realistic fashion possible, which is basically the crux of a Far Cry game. Believe it or not, cockfighting is still a thing in many, MANY third world countries out there. Yara is essentially that but with a dictatorship stamped onto it, so it’s no surprise the developers want to keep the experience a little gratifying.

The devs also assume that its audience is smart enough to realize that this is all fictional and will not make people go out and breed themselves a battle-hungry rooster for blood sport. The formula is tiresome to many, yes, since there are many iterations of the Ubisoft formula. But for it to outright offend people with shock value & anything borderlining on poor taste? Sure, but that’s always up to interpretation to people who want an OTT action game that is arguably all over the place tone-wise, but not without entertainment merit.

Honestly, the real crime here is that there’s no tier list or different styles of cockfighting roosters.

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